MF TaskDoc
TaskDoc records data quickly and easily to create field records, make job reports and keep accurate records of inputs. This information can be transferred simply, wirelessly from the terminal in a format compatible with most farm management software.
The TaskDoc™ Pro version, also enables recording of the GPS position data and data transfer in real-time. This makes automatic, seamless exchange with ISOXML-capable field management software and mapping possible. The data for the operating inputs that have been used are transferred and can also be monitored through the Datatronic 5 terminal while working.

With TaskDoc™ relevant data can be recorded with a minimum of effort, documented in the field record and then analysed, all in the shortest amount of time. The data is transferred wirelessly from the Datatronic 5 terminal to the field database using the ISOBUS standard TC-BAS. Data on the quantity of seeds and fertiliser applied or the fuel consumption is available immediately after the work is done.
Data gathered by TaskDoc Pro can be used to create variable rate treatment plans to ensure inputs are targeted to areas where they will do the most good. This cuts waste, costs and is proven to boost yields and increase crop quality and protect the environment.