We’re thrilled to share our new blog series with you!
'Acres of Insight' will share actionable, agronomy-based insights based on direct experiences with farmers around the country, alongside the latest techniques, meaningful observations and unexpected benefits that farmers have shared with us.
We’ll also deliver regular updates direct from the field and useful information from farmers both down the road or miles away.
Why ‘Acres of Insight’?
When we work with farmers, we have one very important goal — and it’s NOT just to sell our equipment. Our goal is simple: to understand you.
No two farms are alike, and your unique challenges aren’t exactly like anyone else’s. So, we take the time to listen. To meet you in your field, on your farm, where you work and live. And then we do what it takes to understand you and what you’re going through.
And that’s where we capture the insight. Right there, in your acres.
Now, our talented agronomists have transformed some of these insights into actionable knowledge that will help you achieve better results on your farm.
Each of our bimonthly posts will delve into critical questions and pressing issues for today’s farmers – and offer new perspectives on optimizing your performance.
What Do We Have in Store for You?
Here’s a sneak peek at just a few of the topics we’ll explore in the coming months:
Planting Tips To Maximize Your Yield
Discover essential planting tips that can significantly boost your yield. We'll dive into the latest techniques and industry innovations that are driving higher yields during planting.
Can I Afford My Own Sprayer? The Importance of Pest Control Timing
Pest control is crucial for a healthy crop. We'll break down the costs and benefits of owning your sprayer and explain why timing is everything when it comes to pest control.
Is Bigger Always Better? Matching Combine Capacity to the Operation
It’s an age-old question, but the answer may surprise you! See how matching your combine capacity to your specific needs can help you get more out of your harvest.
Reducing Quality and Dry Matter Losses During Raking
Does raking matter? Of course! Learn how to minimize losses and maintain high-quality forage during raking and achieving consistent results with the right rake.
Stay tuned to this space to get the latest and greatest agronomic information that you can use to make a real difference on your operation. Thank you for being part of our community!